Sunday 12 June 2011


Marcus Garvey, the great Jamaican publicist and journalist, is quoted as saying " If you have no confidence in self you are twice defeated in the race of life. " If that sounds like you, you need to learn how to gain self confidence fast. Why? Because being confident is a sign that you know how to be happy with your life, regardless of the struggles you may face in it. 

When you are self confident,

You  have a basic belief in your own value and your ability to have and use skills and knowledge to accomplish goals. When you are not self confident you may actually repel others who may find you too depressing or needy to be around. Some of the behaviors that unconfident people exhibit are being overly shy, being critical of themselves to an uncomfortable degree, taking blame for things not under their control, speaking in negative terms, doing things to please others, or being fearful.
If these are some of your issues, you must find out how to beat low self confidence and how to improve self esteem dramatically. Here are three self help methods to address this issue and arrive at a state where your happiness is no longer jeopardized by your attitude.
First, you must condition yourself to be confident. The most noticeable thing about this is that you adjust your external image first so you reflect a positive image to yourself and those around you. The way you dress is important at this stage. Always appear well groomed and be certain your clothing is appropriate to the setting, including being clean and well pressed. Walk with assurance, with good posture, and with your head high. Smile. Banish negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts and words. Help yourself feel better about yourself and everything around you by listening to upbeat music, reading positive books, and sharing light hearted stories.
Conditioning is one of the best ways to increase your confidence fast. However, you must remember you’re only treating symptoms and this will only take you so far. The next thing you must do is start aligning yourself with what you’re most passionate about. Many people struggle with self confidence because they bang their heads against the wall trying to become good at something that’s simply a weakness. There are things we naturally aren’t good at and that’s ok. By the same token, we’ve all been given natural talents and those who exude self confidence usually are good at growing these natural talents and using them to succeed in all areas of their lives.
The third answer to how to improve confidence is perhaps the most difficult and it’s an extension of the first two answers. It involves identifying the habits in your life that contribute to your lack of confidence and eliminating them from your life. Closely examine how you are living your life. Do you get enough sleep? Is your family or life partner a positive influence who supports you in your endeavors? Do you eat a balanced diet? Is your job fulfilling? Any of these things can negatively impact how you feel about yourself so you must address them. When you eliminate bad habits and negative influences from your life, you make room for empowering habits and positive influences to take their place.
In the end, only you can improve your self confidence. No one can do it for you. Start with conditioning yourself for success and identifying your natural talents and passions. Move on to identifying the negative habits and influences in your life and eliminating them. Before long you will find yourself filled with feelings of self worth and confidence.
If you have enjoyed reading this blog post and want more information and a free confidence assessment then go to MORE CONFIDENCE

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