Monday 2 January 2012


Self-Confidence – The Roadblock to Your Ambitions

Do you really want that dream? Do you really want to be your own boss, travel the world, or get that degree? If so, the only problem might be you. Yes, these are harsh words, but when it comes to stopping your dreams and not achieving your ambitions, you are your own worst enemy.
You know how you have to psyche yourself up to get a job done? Sometimes just to do the dishes, you have to convince yourself to do it and that you can get it done without taking all day. That is giving you self-confidence. Without it, the dishes pile up and the work never gets done.
It all comes down to your self-confidence and taking control of your actions. You are the reason that dreams are achieved are never seen. How?
"I Can’t"
Think back on all the times that you thought that you couldn’t do it. It might have been studying for an exam, getting a project done, or simply talking to your boss about time off. It doesn’t have to be something major to be something your self-confidence struggles with. It is anything that you feel that you unable to do.
Tell yourself that you can’t enough times and you begin to believe it. Take an injury your leg. Tell yourself that you will never walk on it again. The result? You never even try to put your weight on it. You never let the therapist work on it. The leg becomes useless. You became the reason that you didn’t walk again.
"I Can’t" is one of the most powerful phrases. That phrase blocks many from their dreams. It is blocking yours. "I can’t go back to school now." "I can’t quit my job." "I can’t go into business for myself." "I can’t see my dreams come true."

Overcome the Roadblock

Thinking that you can’t do something will ensure that you don’t do it. You need to think that you can. This is not always easy. It doesn’t generally come naturally to anyone. Very few can brag about that. You have to work at it. You have to want it.
Shy around men? Want to overcome it and have more self-confidence? You have to tell yourself that you can and then follow through. Keep telling yourself that you can’t do it and you will stay in the shadows and never know what it feels like to be having fun with everyone else.
Do you want it bad enough to go for it? Are you willing to sit around and let the world continue without you? You have to want to develop self-confidence to achieve your life’s ambitions.
Your lack of self-confidence could be the reason that your dreams stay dreams. You’ll stay in a dead end job or never be the entrepreneur that you have dreamed of. Want to live the dream? Want it to become a reality? Get some Confidence.NOW


If you need any further Information please contact me

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